Seth Holmes’ Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies by Peter Benson
Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies: Migrant Farmworkers in the United States by Seth Holmes Foreword by Philippe Bourgois University of California Press, 2013. 264 pages; US$ 27.95, paperback Fresh Fruit,...
View ArticleHistorical Trauma: a special issue of Transcultural Psychiatry by Eugene Raikhel
The latest issue of Transcultural Psychiatry is devoted to the concept of “historical trauma” in studies of Indigenous peoples in North America. As Laurence J. Kirmayer, Joseph P. Gone, and Joshua...
View ArticlePsychiatry After Ferguson by Jonathan Metzl
What role should mental health care professionals play in helping heal psychical wounds exposed in the aftermath of Ferguson and New York? This question lies at the heart of calls that emerged from...
View ArticleMy Thoughts While Doing Chest Compressions: Reflections on Care in the...
I was doing chest compressions on a 29-year-old woman who had just come up from the Emergency Room, and I was trying not to look at her face. She was gravely sick, intubated, and we had no idea what...
View ArticleEveryday violence, mobility and access to antenatal care by Nicole Ferreira
I met Libby on a cold winter morning at the clinic. She was a short woman with a strong voice and slow walk. Libby was 35 years old and taken by surprise at being pregnant again. She had one child, a...
View ArticlePower in the Face of Indian Surrogacy by Emma Abell-Selby
Introduction Power is in the air we breathe, and no matter where we are there are always individuals with more power over others. In “An anthropology of structural violence” Paul Farmer (2004)...
View ArticleOur COVID Museum: Notes from Physician-Anthropologists on the Frontlines of...
As the pandemic of SARS-CoV2 (the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19) unfolds it continues to impact contemporary forms of sociality and community, health, care, governance, and global...
View ArticleFrom HIV to COVID19: Anthropology, urgency, and the politics of engagement by...
These comments were originally prepared for the “COVID-19 and Anthropology: Disease, Social Justice, and Well Being” Webinar hosted by the New York Academy of Sciences Anthropology Section on April...
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